Saturday, July 3, 2010

Our explorations of the Angkor Temples! The "Tomb Raider temple" is seen from 0:45 to 1:22.

0:04 - 0:10 East Gate of Angkor Thom
0:10 - 0:45 Angkor Wat This is THE temple people think of when they hear Angkor, it is massive beyond belief and is the best place to view the sunrise!
0:45 - 1:22 Ta Prohm Our favorite temple by far, the entire temple is completely over grown giving an interesting juxtaposition between nature and religion.
1:23 - 135 Ta Keo Because we were burning through the temples like Kleenex, our tour guide brought us here. An incridebly steep structure that reminded me of Aztec pyramids
1:35 - 1:56 Bayon My second favorite temple, Bayon had huge faces carved into the walls and pillars, a photographers dream.

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